[NOBBC] Calendar Updates

NOBBC thenobbc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 12:23:44 MDT 2014

Hi Folks,

Sorry Trish and I didn't make the weekend drive - I'm behind schedule on 
work on the Elan Coupe, and work is very busy, so I wanted to get 
further along so the car can get back on the road.

We have several new members, so some of the information that follows is 
for them;

I've updated the Yahoo Group calendar for April with several 
events/dates. We are now on our 2x monthly drives, 2nd and 4th 
Saturdays. We meet at Bad Ass Coffee, 90 Mark West Springs Rd. in Santa 
Rosa at 1000, depart at 1030. If you show up after 1030 and no one is 
there, it's because we've started our drive.

It's always a good idea to bring a lunch, because our routes and 
destinations are generally decided by the group on the scheduled day. 
Some of the roads we drive are a bit rough (thanks, Sonoma County), some 
are great. Most of our drives last no more than 3 hours, and sometimes 
we stop to get food along the way.

Drive routes and destinations, as well as starting points can be 
pre-arranged by whomever wants to step up and lead a drive. If you are 
ready to lead your first drive, please note that it is best to drive the 
route yourself beforehand, so you know the road is open, or at least not 
going to tear up our old British cars. Please - no dirt or gravel 
roads... It's also handy to know the bicycle race/touring event dates 
and routes so we can avoid those whenever possible. We're a pretty 
easy-going lot, but we do like enthusiastic driving, so if you have a 
really slow car, you may want to link up with others with slower cars in 
the group, or just let the assembled group know you are going to lag 

Hope to see you all soon. First opportunity will probably be the CSRG 
races; I'll be there both days, likely helping a race car preparer 
friend, so look for Trish and me in the paddock.


Greg Tatarian

1967 Lotus Elan S3 SE Coupe
1971 Lotus Elan S4 DHC
1974 Triumph TR6

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