[NOBBC] Advance Notice - British Car Swap Meet in Sebastopol

NOBBC thenobbc at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 09:54:32 MDT 2013

Happy 4th of July holiday, NOBBC members,

It's been awhile since I've been active in club drives. For the past 
year I've been taking care of my parents, long-distance, while my 
mother's health declined from Parkinson's and dementia, and my father 
was hospitalized. During that time I had to set aside almost all 
personal pursuits, and even a good deal of business life,  and in 
February, my mother passed away and shortly thereafter I moved my father 
up to Santa Rosa to be near us so I could take care of him.

This holiday is the first time Trish and I have actually spent a few 
days in a row on ourselves, and so of course, I've been taking care of 
my neglected cars. While doing that, I realized I've accumulated a lot 
of parts, still have many left over from my NOS parts sales business, 
and need to move them on to new homes. My often partner in NOBBC events, 
John Kenner, had the same thought yesterday, and we decided it was past 
time to host a British car swap meet.

We are tentatively planning on August 24, at John Kenner's ranch in 
Sebastopol. The date may change one week either way, and we'll keep you 
posted as we develop the event and schedule, so don't lock in the date 
quite yet.

We are opening this up to the GGLC, NOBBC, Triumph Travelers, MG club, 
and maybe even the Alfa club, as I've got some NOS Alfa parts to sell. 
John and I are putting together a list of parts big and small, but so 
far, we've got Spitfire engines, Spit rear end, Elan steel wheels, trim 
pieces, radiator, refurbished fuel tank, Elan coupe rear windscreen, 
Weber carbs, polished SU carb set, Weber air cleaners of many 
configurations, plus NOS clutch disks, oil and air filters, distributor 
caps, brake parts, timing chains, exhaust valves, a rebuilt TR6 
overdrive tranny, NOS TR6 head, TR6 rollbar, shop items, small parts, 
Cortina tailshaft housing, possibly Twin Cam cams and lifters, Alfa air 
filters, oil filters, brake disks, and more to come.

This is open to folks to bring their cars or parts to sell or trade - 
any and every related item is welcome. For those who want to buy or sell 
stuff, they'll want to bring an appropriate vehicle. For those who just 
want to socialize, they can drive their fun car. We aren't planning to 
provide food, but if that changes, I'll let you know.



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