Clif & Deborah Williamson hawkview at sonic.net
Sat Jul 28 15:17:13 MDT 2012

Sorry guys.
Went out to the garage, started the car and pulled into the driveway.  I let 
it warm up for about 5 minutes and then cleaned it up for the drive.
Went back in the house and made maps and directions and then back out to get 
ready to go.
Got in the car and just past the gate discovered I had forgot the 
directions.  DUHHHH.
Back to the house and Deborah discovers a patch of oil on the driveway that 
wasn't there before.  CRAPPPP.
Checked under the car and on top and couldn't see anything, but didn't want 
to chance it.
Put a piece of cardboard under the car and let it run for about 15 minutes. 
Two drops and not from a location that made any sense at all.
Called Walter.
Hope to see you guys on the second drive next month.
Going to Churchill to see the Polar bears and whales and whatever.
See you in a while,
Clif and Deborah  74 Jensen Healey 

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