JOHN KENNER jkenner at tamcab.com
Sun Jul 15 20:29:19 MDT 2012

Well, as I said scheduling isn't easy.


I vote for OPTION 1, to go on the Anniversary ride on August 4th.


My reasons are self-serving as I guess everyone's are.


I am going to one of my best friend's daughter's wedding on Aug 11th.


And I never met Martin Swig, although he sure sounds like a heck of a car

And I don't drink or eat pizza. 


And the Anniversary drive is at least 60 miles away from the Marin Century

and probably lots of bike folks will be there instead of on Skaggs Spring


For those of you who are unfamiliar with our annual Anniversary drive, we
meet at the parking lot

below the Lake Sonoma Dam and go over Skaggs Spring Road to the Coast and
have lunch

at Salt Point State Park on Highway One on the coast and then drive back
along Highway One.








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Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 2:34 PM
To: NOBBC at yahoogroups.com; North Bay British Car Club



Yes, John, Rod is correct.  There are lots of NOBBC members who have
attended many of Martin's drives and events, so will be at this memorial
drive, including Trish and myself. Based on last weekend's cars and coffee,
I think this will be well attended, so will draw a number of us away. 

I vote for Option 3.

My second choice would be Option 2 - regular schedule PLUS the anniversary
drive. That gives everyone the choice of which drive they want to and are
able to attend. Lots of members do only one of the two drives per month, so
having an extra drive may pull some from a regular drive to the anniversary
drive, but anyone who really wants to do the Anniversary drive will do that
instead of the Martin Swig memorial event. 

Thanks for your efforts, John,

Greg Tatarian

On 7/15/2012 2:21 PM, Rod Williams wrote:


On Jul 15, 2012, at 1:33 PM, JOHN KENNER wrote:
> But having the Anniversary ride on the actual day, August 4th , seems
special to me.

Just a heads-up. August 4 is the monthly "Cars and Coffee" in Sausalito and
is the one-time memorial rally for Martin Swig. It promises to be a big
Rod Williams
Petaluma, California
1967 MGB



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