JOHN KENNER jkenner at tamcab.com
Sun Jul 15 14:33:13 MDT 2012

Hello British Car Nuts,


August 4th is the NOBBC 11th Anniversary.

And it falls on a Saturday this year!


So here is a question. 


Our regularly scheduled rides would be on July 28th

and August 11th. 


But having the Anniversary ride on the actual day, August 4th , seems
special to me.


Am I the only one?


Here are the options  as I see them.



Should we cancel the regularly scheduled rides and have one on Aug. 4th

and then again on Aug. 25th ( the regularly scheduled second August ride)?



Or should we keep all the scheduled rides and add the 4th which would make 3
weekends in a row.



Or should we forget about the 4th and have the Anniversary ride on the 11th
( the regularly scheduled first August ride )?


Or some other plan that eludes me?


Please respond with your preferences and I'll keep track and announce what
the plan will be.

Please respond by July 22nd if you want your opinion to be heard.


Thanks, and what a great ride we had yesterday. 10 cars!!!!!

Thank to Charlie for leading us on a unique route to Bodega Bay.


This scheduling stuff is tricky.




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