[Nobbc] (no subject)

Greg Tatarian gtwincams at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 09:12:51 MDT 2011

  Clif and Deborah,

This is the second one of these in a few days. Mark Bradakis may need to 
know about this and block the poster from the lists.

Greg Tatarian

On 6/27/2011 7:57 AM, Clif & Deborah Williamson wrote:
> When I try to open the below page I get the following message:
> Reported Web Forgery!
> This web page at has been reported as a web forgery and has 
> been blocked based on your security preferences.
> Web forgeries are designed to trick you into revealing personal or 
> financial information by imitating sources you may trust.  Entering 
> any information on this web page may result in identity theft or other 
> fraud.
> Caution....Clif and Deborah  74 Jensen Healey

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