[Nobbc] Exempting Hobby Cars from Emissions Tests

Greg Tatarian gtwincams at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 17:16:01 MDT 2011

  Does anyone know the relative numbers of private aircraft compared to 
collector cars, as well as the comparative pollution levels?
Though my knowledge is admittedly peripheral, my understanding is that 
small aircraft put out large amounts of air contaminants, particularly 
compared to cars, even our old British models. Yet, I never hear of any 
pressure on the general aviation owner to minimize emissions. Whether 
it's a matter of practicality or relative levels of pollution, my sense 
is that private plane owners are well-placed economically and have a 
strong lobby.
Supporting reasonable emissions standards for old cars is complicated, 
but should take into account collector cars vs. commuter cars, gross 
polluters, etc., in my opinion.
There may well come a day when the motors in our cars are legislated out 
of commission, but if so, I'd like to see fairness across the board when 
it comes to pollution sources, and not just be singled out because we 
are easier targets.
It will be a shame when those of us who have motors that are actually 
more famous than the cars (e.g. Lotus Twin Cam which has been used in 
many, many road and race cars) must swap them out for low or zero 
emissions units, or scrap the cars.
Greg Tatarian

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