[Nobbc] Tickets for Infineon

Ron Engelhardt nobbc at sonic.net
Wed Jun 8 17:54:40 MDT 2011

Good idea. We usually take up a collection for Deano when he needs it to 
pay for our nobbc.com. Mark (list server owner) usually asks for 
donations when needed but generally only on the bigger lists so our puny 
list gets missed unless I forward the request from MGs. The link on the 
bottom of our emails also goes to Mark and is a pretty painless way to 
support the list. Mention Nobbc when paying Mark so he knows which list 
the donation is generarted by. I usually donate to MGs and Nobbc at the 
same time as it's easier.

58 MGA

Greg Tatarian wrote:
>  John,
> Yeah, that's another way to go. Dean pays for our web site, and 
> autox.team.net hosts our email list.
> What say all of you?
> Greg

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