Greg Tatarian gtwincams at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 07:02:55 MDT 2011

On 5/30/2011 8:56 PM, Clif & Deborah Williamson wrote:
> Now for those squealing brakes you guys keep hearing.  Any 
> recommendations? Has anybody tried Greenstuff pads?
> Clif and Deborah
> 74 Jensen Healey

Hi Clif,

Greenstuff pads work very well. They don't squeal, although that is 
often caused by the lack of grease or a proper anti-squeal shim between 
the pad and caliper piston, which could possibly be the case with your 
brakes. Of course, some compounds are just too hard and squeal until 
they heat up. That's not good for street driving, as their coefficient 
of braking is reduced until they get hot. Such is not the case with 
Greenstuff pads, though it is as you go up in hardness with Yellowstuff 
and Redstuff pads.

I've used Greenstuff, and have them in both the TR6 and the Elan S3 
Coupe, but went with a ceramic pad of slightly larger dimensions for the 
S4 DHC Elan, which gets driven pretty hard. They have a little better 
fade resistance, and very little dust.

Greg Tatarian

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