[Nobbc] NOBCC Car Corral on 6/6 at the WCC

MAEMLY at aol.com MAEMLY at aol.com
Mon May 17 21:02:33 MDT 2010

Tim..............I will be bring one vehicle albeit not the 79 MG  Midget 
but a 2000 Toy it doesn't mind a rear view just a close spot to  
park............Mel Rodrick
In a message dated 5/17/2010 3:57:43 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
tsthresh at hotmail.com writes:


I am sure that all the others will be happy to welcome one  more vehicle to 
the Corral.

In order to equip Mike Gianandrea with  the necessary info for staging the 
Corral, I need those who asked for  tickets to confirm HOW MANY VEHICLES 
plan to arrive in !!

I  had assumed one per response but as we are up to 3 and 4 per person, 
may be erroneous unless those folks are driving in their RR or Daimler.  
Therefore email your update to this list to Mike and I only . Take care to  
delete the list server address (to spare those not attending) and state  
many vehicles your tickets will be spread between. I have done the  "easy" 

Brandon Augustine ( 2 )
Steve Plath ( 2  )
Mark Darley ( 2 )
Greg Tatarian ( 2 )
Tim Thresh ( 2 )     One vehicle (MGA)
Mel Roderick( 3 )
Frank  Morris( 2  )
Sarto Rocheleau( 1 )    One vehicle  (Elan)
Andy  Preston ( 1 )        One vehicle (...)
Dick Anderson (  4 )
Dave Dalton ( 1 )         One vehicle  (...)

Total tickets =  ( 22 )
Total vehicles = ( 11 or more  )

Hope this little dialogue encourages even more  participation!

1958  Red  MGA
From: "Clif &  Deborah Williamson" <hawkview at sonic.net>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010  2:06 PM
To: "North Bay British Car Club"  <nobbc at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] NOBCC Car Corral on 6/6  at the WCC

> Hello Tim
> Is there time to add to more tickets  and a one more Car Corral?
> Deb and I would like to go in our Jensen  Healey.
> Thanks,
>  Clif
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Nobbc at autox.team.net

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