[Nobbc] NOBCC Car Corral on 6/6 at the WCC

wendell bain wbain at sonic.net
Mon May 17 16:09:41 MDT 2010

Hi Tim,
Could I add one more ticket to the group on the sixth
and the Morgan would like to come also?


Wendell Bain

On May 17, 2010, at 2:06 PM, Clif & Deborah Williamson wrote:

> Hello Tim
> Is there time to add to more tickets and a one more Car Corral?
> Deb and I would like to go in our Jensen Healey.
> Thanks,
> Clif
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Tim Thresh" <tsthresh at hotmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 8:37 AM
> To: "North Bay British Car Club" <nobbc at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [Nobbc] NOBCC Car Corral on 6/6 at the WCC
>> Looks like we will have a great turn-out and  Car Corral  
>> attendance. Here is
>> who I presentlyhave and the number of tickets you have  
>> requested.There are now
>> enough orders for us to have the ticketsat $15 each. After I  
>> confirm the final
>> price on Wednesday 5/19 mail (ordeliver) me  a check payable to  
>> 5850 Melita Road,SANTA ROSA CA95409.  I will submit my order  
>> tomorrow 5/18 so
>> you have justtoday to finalize your own plans. NOBCC Car Corral  
>> and special
>> ticket order for Sunday 6th June 2010Brandon Augustine ( 2 ) Steve  
>> Plath ( 2
>> )Mark Darley( 2 )Greg Tatarian ( 2 )Tim Thresh ( 2 )Mel Roderick 
>> ( 3 )Frank
>> Morris( 2 )Sarto Rocheleau( 1 )Andy Preston ( 1 )Dick Anderson  
>> ( 4 )Dave
>> Dalton ( 1 )Total tickets =  ( 22 )
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