[Nobbc] Next ride

gtwincams gtwincams at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 10 09:51:44 MDT 2008

Ron - we've had a few nice suggestions, but no one has yet said they 
will lead the tour, so I'll do that.

I echo Martin's sentiments about not making this an entire-day affair, 
though I do appreciate that some members like a very structured, 
multi-destination tour, and that those can be fun.

I will work up a route today and let you know. I won't have time to 
pre-drive the route before Saturday, but the meeting points and stopping 
points will be well-established, even if there are some subtle route 
changes before or on Saturday.

I'll send an email in the next few minutes that will lay out the basics 
of meeting points and times. I am planning that the northern members 
meet a little earlier so that we can meet with the rest of the group in 
Marin County at close to our regular time of 1000, then go on our drive 
and still have time to make it back to the north at a reasonable time.


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