[Nobbc] Fwd: May Ride  Oakmont Village Auto Show

Cem2col at aol.com Cem2col at aol.com
Thu May 8 10:47:10 MDT 2008

Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.
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From: Cem2col at aol.com
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Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 18:03:53 EDT
Subject: Fwd: [Nobbc] May Ride  Oakmont Village Auto Show
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Dear British Car drivers:
     Once again Oakmont is hosting an Auto Show on Saturday, May 24 10:00 
a.m. until 1:00 p.m. the Berger Center in Oakmont. Our hosts Jaci and Bob 
Rienecker have asked that we telephone them at 537 0326 to reserve a parking space 
and enable them to prepare printed signs which will include owner's name and car 
     Space is becoming limited and drivers who do not sign up in time will 
still be welcomed but will be asked to park in the General Parking area away 
from the show area.   Rain cancels.
     For your consideration, I have a contact with a local brewery that would 
host a tour and tasting picnic weekends while the weather is good.   If there 
is sufficient interest, I will get more information regarding available 


Charles Medcalf
'50 Mark V Jaguar DHC
'53 Sunbeam Alpine
'85 Jaguar XJ6

Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.
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Our May ride will be this coming Saturday. If anyone has an idea for a 
destination, let's hear it. One of the nice things about this forum is 
that we can suggest destinations and events before we actually show up 
so let's get a discussion going.

My steering wheel is just about broken through but I was able to get a 
new one and should have it installed tomorrow or Wed.

58 MGA
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Nobbc at autox.team.net

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