[Morris] Fwd: morris

Paul Van Wig pvanwig at mac.com
Sun May 4 11:27:12 MDT 2014

Bob I forward this on the to email list as well you will see them in the header. You will want to join the groups. Lots of information. 

The speedo has a screw on each side behind the dash that you can get at from the glove boxes, you will see a small hole on the inboard side of each one. "DO NOT TAKE THE SCREWS OUT JUST LOOSEN THEM."  The clap looking thing is just trim.

I forget what year is your car? gold face speedo's up to 64? then black face. I have fixed the odometers before. The little paw gets worn or out of line. Bend it back and it will work again. 

Bugeye still in corner but construction on bigger garage due to start soon.

Paul Van Wig
Big Bear/Lakewood, CA


1959 Nash Metropolitan "Tiffany" (the wife's fun ride) w/63MGB motor
1968 Morris Minor Woody RHD "Thomas"
1960 Bug Eye (awaiting restoration) & a Kellison Fiberglass bonnet 

British Car Links  http://share.xmarks.com/folder/bookmarks/5eLpH973JQ
If you have some good ones. Send them to me and I will add them.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lois/Bob <lobo951 at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: morris
Date: May 4, 2014 at 7:09:44 AM PDT
To: Paul Van Wig <pvanwig at mac.com>
Reply-To: Lois/Bob <lobo951 at sbcglobal.net>

Well, I see it has been about a year and a half since I contacted you.  As I recall you sent a window riser.  At any rate, I am still working on my Morris.  I recently decided to rewire it as it has some bad (actually bare) wiring.  I am currently working on the interior wiring and have decided to remove the speedometer.
While the speed indicator does work the odometer does not - but, I have read all the instructions and know how it is supposed to be removed, but there are no screws that I can see on my speedometer.  There does seem to be some kind of metal clamp holding it in.  As I've discovered the car is wired for 4 indicator lights and two pilot lights, and this speedometer only has the indicator lights I assume it has been changed sometime in the past.  Anyway, I am open for suggestions and would appreciate any insight you may be able to provide.

How are you doing on your bug eye restoration?

Bob Finkel

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