[Morris] Fw: [Lost & Found - Morris
Gerard Chateauvieux
pixelsmith at gerardsgarage.com
Wed Jan 23 17:24:40 MST 2008
Does it have a goofy interior, covered with Mexican serapes? I saw a
black one at the Old Car Picnic in Golden Gate Park with a for sale
sign on it and more recently on Craig's list. Looking to see if I have
pix of it.
On Jan 23, 2008, at 1:33 PM, rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net wrote:
> -----Forwarded Message-----
>> From: uniquelittlecars at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Jan 23, 2008 2:59 PM
>> To: Morris Motors <morris_motors at yahoogroups.com>
>> Subject: [morris_motors] Fwd: [] Lost & Found - Morris
>> Glen - A friend from the Spridgets group posted this message.
>> I wanted to forward it to our group in case some one was missing
>> there car.
> Any one missplace a car?
>> Rick
>> Subject: ] found Morris
>> I just found this ad in SF Bay area craiglist, interesting.
>> There is a black Morris - Minor 1000 sitting on the street in front
>> of my
>> house. This car was parked there about 2 months ago. I checked with
>> the
>> neighbors and no one is claiming it. It has a Daly City parking
>> sticker in the
>> back window and the License plate is CA 52YF365.
>> I'm not selling it, but I do want the owner to find it back. I
>> believe it was
>> taken for a joy ride and then dumped. I would rather post it here
>> and see if
>> the CL community can get it back to the owner, than call the police
>> to mark it
>> as an abandoned vehicle.
>> Call me.
>> Scott 650-784-5282
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