[Morris] SAN DIEGO BRITISH CAR DAY - Sunday, October 5, 2008
rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net
rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 18 19:15:49 MDT 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
San Diego British Car Day Website at:
Twenty eight years ago, a hearty band of British car enthusiasts got together
over picnics at a park to view each othersb cars, and enjoy each othersb
friendship. This year, we begin to return to that heritage. Over the past 28
years the event has grown considerably and now attracts participants from all
over California and beyond. We are proud that this event has become one of the
premier British car shows in California. In the past few years, we have
incurred considerable additional expenses relating to, among other things,
permits and insurance. Thus, starting this year,
we have made some changes in keeping with the original spirit of the event.
For instance, there will be no program or raffle at this yearbs show. Also,
due to the increased expenses, we have had to increase our registration fees
by $5.00. We continue to provide a wonderful experience, including a variety
of vendors, Hoggbs Beach BBQ, the very popular Cameron Highlander Bagpipers
and over 400 diverse English cars for your viewing pleasure.
The San Diego British Car Club Council is a California nonprofit mutual
benefit corporation.
7:30 b 10:00 Registration -- Park in your Marque area as directed/signed
10:00 b 3:00 Cars on display
11:30 b 12:00 Judging for best b
Classic Elegantb
English picnic
12:00 Ballots must be presented to the Club ballot boxes for cars of choice.
Clubs count the ballots and turn in at the Judging boothbb
the hillb
by the Minis
12:00 b 2:00 Picnic or Lunch at your leisure . . .
and please pick up your trash!
12:30 Ballots MUST be turned into the Judging booth
2:00 Awards presentation
3:00 to ??? Enjoy the rest of the day . . . exit carefully please
On the above event, or any particular Club or marque in attendance today b
most have Web pages, and can be linked by going to the San Diego British Car
Day Website at: www.sandiegobritishcarday.org or by calling the information
line: 760-746-1458
Pre-Registration Fee: $20.00 per car
Make Check Payable to: BCCC
MAIL BY SEPT. 12th to: San Diego British Car Club Council
P. O. Box 710131
San Diego, CA 92171-0131
Please call San Diego British Car Day
Information Line: 760 - 746 - 1458
Thank you!
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