[Mgs] FYI

PaulHunt73 paulhunt73 at virginmedia.com
Wed Jul 26 01:20:58 MDT 2023

UK is known for 'cool and cloudy' not to say wet (especially at the 
moment ...).  Car garaged when not being used, and when it is being used 
it's not thrown around.  It's used all year round when the roads are 
'right' and if there is an extended period of bad weather I periodically 
rotate the wheels a quarter-turn.  All of which is why I suspect this 
tyre was faulty, or they just aren't built as well any more, which could 
happen with any.


On 25/07/2023 19:49, John Cahoon wrote:
> Tire experience here in Cleveland OHIO. Cool climate and lots of clouds.
> Experience of 20 plus years on a set
> of tires is common. Why. Low temperatures. Lots of cloud means less UV 
> radiation from sun. Cars stored in winter away from sun and light in 
> general. Low driven miles means less stress on tires.
> My experience for what's worth.
> Dr John Cahoon
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