[Mgs] Mgs Digest, Vol 166, Issue 2
mogrits at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 18:25:08 MDT 2021
> I think this list is archived, which would allow a bad actor to see both
the content and other members names and email addresses. They have no other
information on anyone other than what's been shared on the list, so these
threats are idle at best. Just ignore them or block them. Someone with IT
experience could peruse the email headers and metadata in the actual
threatening emails and possibly find the actual source, but the source is
likely foreign and possibly not even human. Just delete them.
From: <h.duinhoven at planet.nl>
> To: "'Robert's New iPad'" <mgbobh at gmail.com>, "'PaulHunt73'"
> <paulhunt73 at virginmedia.com>
> Cc: <mgs at autox.team.net>, "'MG-MGA-MGB'" <
> mg-mga-mgb at googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [Mgs] Suspicious email
> Message-ID: <002901d72405$24a74f60$6df5ee20$@planet.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I have received an email from a well know regular lister in the past.
> I suspect someone has been misusing his email account.
> The email address was from a regular lister and this mail contained
> several references to the MG world.
> The threats are becoming nasty.
> Hans
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