[Mgs] MGA master cylinder

Eric Russell ejrussell at mebtel.net
Sun May 27 13:41:49 MDT 2018

 > Do you have to remove the (MGA) master cylinder to hone and referb it?

It is possible. I have changed seals with the master cylinder in place. 
The pedals have to be removed for full access to the front of the master 
cylinder. And a pan of some sort is vital to catch the brake fluid. 
(Brake fluid is also a good paint remover. Wash the area ASAP afterwards 
- soap & water will remove any errant splashes of brake fluid.)

Note that some of the currently available seal kits do not fit as well 
as they should. See: http://www.mgaguru.com/mgtech/faulty/ft053.htm

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC

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