[Mgs] BGT Resurrected

PaulHunt73 paulhunt73 at virginmedia.com
Sun Dec 21 04:13:39 MST 2014

Thicker isn't better, you are only kidding yourself with the higher oil 
pressure, all it means is that the flow rate of oil through the engine 
including the bearings has been reduced.  To clean the engine internally one 
would normally be thinking of a pre-change flush, which is a solvent and 
thins the oil.  However that can be counter-productive in an old engine of 
unknown history as it could dislodge lumps of gunge that then block oilways.

Your wet and dry figures indicate a problem with rings/bores on the one 
cylinder rather than valves, but it isn't horrendous.  Just drive it more, 
that does more good for these cars than anything else.


----- Original Message ----- 
> I understand that Lucas additives are beneficial to an engine's health and 
> is
> thicker than 20-50, so oil pressure could improve, plus internal parts
> (rings,
> lifters, con-rods, bearings, etc.) might unstick and perform better. 

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