[Mgs] Get classic cars racing movie

Glenn Schnittke g.schnittke at comcast.net
Sat Oct 26 23:13:02 MDT 2013

Jette and I just finished 'Drive a Crooked Road' which was on TCM 
several weeks ago. Mickey Rooney isn't acting in it anymore than he was 
in 'The Black Stallion'. (He enjoyed fast cars and fast horses.) You 
could tell he was just being himself, at least through the first half. 
That's where all the cars are. The second half turns to drama and he 
starts acting and it's still good. He works as a Britcar dealer mechanic 
who gets seduced into a heist by a hot broad. Good film. Even she's 
believable.  Another one of TCM's surprises.


On 10/26/2013 1:00 PM, mgs-request at autox.team.net wrote:
> Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 13:58:55 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
> From: Bill Mills<bmills46 at earthlink.net>
> To:"mgs at autox.team.net"  <mgs at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [Mgs] Get classic cars racing movie
> Message-ID:
> 	<12704444.1382723936085.JavaMail.root at elwamui-karabash.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Just finished watching "The Fast and Furious (1955)" on TCM network.  Great old racers. It's on Netflix too and available for streaming.  John Ireland is rough and tough fugitive.
> Other good films with a lot of old racers??
> Bill
> '74BGT with Sabrina bumpers

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