[Mgs] ZDDP Redux

frankk12 at verizon.net frankk12 at verizon.net
Sat Jan 19 15:12:35 MST 2013

As a follow-up and conclusion to my earlier post requesting information about
sources for ZDDP I offer the latest issue of the MGB Driver  tech issue.  On
page 25 in the article, "Basic B: Adjust Those Vaves",  is a section regarding
the need for ZDDP. One of the sources cited there is the Rislone Oil
Supplement  with ZDDP.  Today I made trip to the local Pep Boys and found the
last two 11 ounce bottles of the product, cost was $9 per bottle.  The author
suggests half a quart which I conclude is 16 ounces. Since each bottle I
bought is 11 ounces I have an ample supply for one of my Bs.
Frank Krajewski

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