[Mgs] loctite question - (Mgs Digest, Vol 68, Issue 5)

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Wed Jan 9 06:14:34 MST 2013

Want more confusion?  Head studs (in the block) have coarse 
threads.  Manifold studs (in side of the head) have fine 
threads.  Water valve studs (in side of the head) have fine 
threads.  Thernostat studs (in top of the head) have coarse 
threads.  In the gearbox, bolts for the remote shift extension 
housing to tail housing joint may be either coarse or fine thread 
depending on time of produvtion of the gearbox (and that's an 
aluminum housing going either way).

At 08:37 AM 1/9/2013 +0000, PaulHunt73 wrote:
>Coarse one end and fine the other is normally used in alloy blocks, 
>can't see why cast iron would need a coarse thread.

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