[Mgs] loctite question

Charley & Peggy Robinson ccrobins at ktc.com
Mon Jan 7 12:05:06 MST 2013

Let's keep in mind that torque specs are meant to set the fastener 
(bolt, stud) into the approximate middle of its elasticity range and the 
torque specs are given in a range too.   If a torque spec is given as, 
say 40 - 50 ft-lbs I'll set my wrench for 45 and sneak up on it.  One 
crenelation in a castellated nut, more or less, isn't that big a deal, IMO.

On 1/5/2013 10:06 PM, Duvall Video Productions wrote:
> Anyone use red loctite instead of mechanical fasteners on main cap nuts?   I
> have an MPJG engine from a TA when I torque down the mains, the holes don't
> line up to the castle nuts for the wire.   I don't want to over torque and if
> I back them up to match the hole, I loose my torque.
> Suggestions?

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