[Mgs] TD bonnet latches

Richard Lindsay richardolindsay at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 14:49:40 MST 2013

Hi Friends,

I got a few free minutes this afternoon so I cleaned the bonnet
latches for my TD. Here's a look at the latch mechanism.


In that picture you can see the two halves of the latch plus the
handle and the brass attachment screws.

I cleaned the latches on the wire wheel. Here's how they look after cleaned.


Here they are with a thin coat of black paint on each side, now drying.



And here are all the left-overs.


I have new handles and will purchase new brass screws to attach the
latches to the bonnet. Perhaps I'll buy stainless steel instead. Here
are the handles.


I also bought new bonnet bumpers for the wings and will install them
before mounting the front wings.


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