[Mgs] gen to alt

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Sat Oct 27 09:04:54 MDT 2012

Generator is often cheap and easy to repair, commonly only needs 
brushes.  However, if the generator is melted inside due to a failed 
control box, that would be a good time to consider the alternator 
conversion.  In recent years replacement control boxes have been 
notoriously unreliable.  When a regulator relay fails, the bad $40 
control box takes out a good $100 generaor along with it.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

At 07:19 AM 10/27/2012 -0400, Tom Gunderson wrote:
>If I find that my generator is not working should I go to an alternator?
>1957 MGA 1500

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