[Mgs] Send Me Your Colors (MGA only please)

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Wed Nov 21 12:23:36 MST 2012

With all the recent discussion on paint colors, I am finally getting 
motivated to post a few more web pages on MGA paint colors.  I 
already have pages for Two-Tone and Stripes, but more pictures would 
be welcome.  More important will be pictures of MGA with original 
colors, as I want to document every original paint color combination 
ever used on MGA (and the few existing web sites have never been 
completed with all colors).  I will also be making pages for 
non-original colors (popular or otherwise), poison colors, metallic 
paints, and perhaps anything else you may like to throw at me.  You 
don't have to post dozens (or hundreds) of pictures on this 
forum.  It would be a bit more convenient for me if you send them 
directly to my personal email address, barneymg at mgaguru.com
You can also send larger photos that way.
Thanks in advance, and let the photos roll.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA wuith an attitude

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