[Mgs] Broken motor mount bracket

" Just Brits " Shop shop at justbrits.com
Mon Mar 26 18:43:04 MDT 2012

<< On 3/26/2012 7:27 PM, Windows Live Team wrote:
             Peter, I can't count the number of MGB motor mount 
brackets I've changed
             since they went to this style about 1977.
             You are not alone as most of them are cracked or broken. >>

Interesting Lorne, interesting <G> !!

I've had the exact opposite occurrences !!  I've had NONE [heard of 
the problem
tho <G>].

Peter's pic is the first one I have 'seen' ?!?!?

please visit MY site at"

PS:  Lorne, I am curious to know why your post was addressed to 
"Windows Live Team"
(yourself ??) & "accounts_renewal at hotmail.com" AND Peter (as he 
will/would get in List Mail?)
along with mgs at autox.............  ?!?!?!?  Just curious, mind you 
<VBG> ! ! !
PPS:  THIS post is only addressed to mgs at autox.................... !?!

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