[Mgs] flasher unit help

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Sun Sep 18 17:04:31 MDT 2011

Shound be screwed to the firewall between the fuse box and TS relay 
box on the 1500.  See here: http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/electric/pics/wipe02.jpg
If it is an aftermarket flasher unit with no screw tab, you might 
find it lying behind the heater box.  Look for a short round can with 
three wires conncted, Green, Green/browN, and Light Green.  Some 
aftermarket flashers have onlt two terminals, in which case maybe the 
pilot light does not work.

At 01:10 PM 9/18/2011 -0400, Dave Willner (davewillner) wrote:
>I've never had to replace the flasher unit before in the MG, but the 
>blinkers stopped working today. I did replace the rubber gaskets for 
>the front turn signals this morning before the drive but didn't play 
>with any wires? The fuses are all good... I would have thought it 
>would be near either the relay or the fuse box, but I don't see it 
>anywhere.  Can anyone tell where its located?  ....

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