[Mgs] Traffic on the list

" Just Brits " Shop shop at justbrits.com
Fri Nov 25 15:27:02 MST 2011

<< Traffic seems less to me also.>>

Yes, gents.  VERY, VERY "slo" traffic !

Now for something I would BET 99% of you NEVER thought of ! ! ! :-)

To "KNOW" what "List Traffic" is/or has been just go to the bottom of 
EVERY List Post
you receive [which in this case IS:     Archive: 

And go to it.  ANY and ALL "List Traffic" will be shown easiest by "Selecting"  "Current Index" --->  MGs  ! ! !
  <VBG>  ! !

For example:
Nov 08----- = 2 posts..................................................................Nov 18----- = 9 posts [NO entry]
Nov 09----- = 0 posts [NO entry]..........................................Nov 19----- = 0 posts [NO entry]
Nov 10----- = 0 posts [NO entry]..........................................Nov 20----- = 1 posts
Nov 11 -----= 0 posts [NO entry]...........................................Nov 21----- = 1 posts
Nov 12----- = 0 posts [NO entry]..........................................Nov 22----- = 0 posts [NO entry]
Nov 13----- = 0 posts [NO entry].........................................Nov 21----- = 0 posts [NO entry]
Nov 14----- = 1 posts...................................................................Nov 22----- = 2 posts
Nov 15----- = 1 posts...................................................................Nov 23----- = 4 posts
Nov 16----- = 2 posts..................................................................Nov 24----- = 0 posts [NO entry]
Nov 17----- = 0 posts [NO entry]

Actually, [NO entry] means that there has been ZERO eMail ADDRESSED TO nor ACCEPTED
by Mark's NEW 'Program' to The List.

So, as you can see,  just clicking on a Link<G>  is WAY EASIER than posting TO The List and
then WAITING fir someone to answer<G><G><G>  !  ! !

Please visit MY site at:

PS:  Belated Happy Thanksgiving ! ! ! !

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