[Mgs] MG parts auction - Michigan

Ron King ronking at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 13 23:47:05 MDT 2011

Sad in a way, especially if most of the stuff gets thrown away.  Seems there
should be a "car trust" our beneficiaries can donate our stuff to

Ron King
'71 MGB

-----Original Message-----
From: mgs-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:mgs-bounces at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Don
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 4:45 PM
To: mgs at autox.team.net
Subject: [Mgs] MG parts auction - Michigan

This was some poor fellow's treasure of stuff.  Misfortune came his 
way; chances are he passed on.

Makes a person think about what happens to all the accumulated cars, 
parts, and tools when they exit planet earth.  Oh, I forgot, all the 
car magazines and books are another thing for whoever is left to "dispose"

Don Scott
Calistoga CA USA
1955 MGTF
1962 MGA Mk 2
1973 MGB GT (selling)
1963-7 MGB (seeking)
Misc. Japanese cars

At 03:32 PM 5/9/2011, Rick Brown wrote:
>I received an email concerning an auction of MG Parts to be held in
>Melvindale, MI on May 21st.  Pictures of tons of stuff at
>No interest etc
>  Webmaster for:
>   http://www.mgcars.org.uk/namgbr  - The North American MGB Register
>   http://www.mgcars.org.uk/mgcouncil -  North American Council of MG
>   http://www.mgcars.org.uk/amgcr - American MGC Register
>   http://www.flamemini.net - Florida mini Enthusiasts

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