[Mgs] [Mg-t] TD shifter rattle

Duvall Video Productions mike at duvallvideo.com
Mon Jun 27 12:06:42 MDT 2011

thanks for all the responses.  I advanced my timing and thought it was a

I think I would rather get a little more power and try to fix rattle.

On Jun 27, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Emgeeguy at aol.com wrote:

> Hi Mike,
>   There are a couple of places in the remote linkage where the rattle can
> originate.  Lew replied that the RPM affects the rattle, something that
> Alexander noted also.
>    If it's a clear-sounding rattle, it's probably external.  A bronze
> in the remote shifter rod can wear, allowing the rod to rattle with an
> annoying, clear sound.  The bushing would be a simple press out and in,
> to get to it you first must remove the shift lever.
>    "You can't put a square peg into a round hole"  MG could, and did. The
> pounded square pegs into the round holes of the casting, the pegs fitting
> slots milled into the lever. Lawrie describes some hook device that one can
> make to remove the pegs.  He could; I couldn't.
>   I move the timing around to get the rattle at the least objectionable rpm
> range.
> Bob

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