[Mgs] Change from Generator to 1-wire Alternator

Norm 2Bs twobees at sprynet.com
Tue Sep 28 18:52:51 MDT 2010

HELP!  My old crew and auto electrical expert, now racer himself, is still
in Connecticut (Hi, Jim) & I'm stumped by this conversion.

Last weekend, my tach-drive gear box decided to go bouncing down the track
as I pulled into the pits after Saturday's last race.  Lost.  How it came
off is unknown.  But, this is pushing me into installing the mini 1-wire
alternator I've had sitting on the parts shelf for a year.  I need to do
some minor mods to get it to fit.  But, they're easy.  Problem is how to
deal with the wires on the regulator.

I found a description on line about connect brown wires, etc.  But, no
all-brown wires on the Turner regulator.  And, the standard Sprite wiring
diagrams don't help a lot.

If anyone could help, I would appreciate it.

Here's what I have on the regulator terminals:
A1 - 2 brown/blue wires
A - 1 brown/white
F - 1 yellow/green
D - 2 yellow
E - 2 black
(Photos available)

Turner has already been converted to 12v negative ground. And, as a race car
has an emergency shut-off switch.

PMs to: twobees at sprynet.com

Thanks all.


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