[Mgs] car jack question

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Nov 1 02:03:51 MST 2010

Be warned!  These scissors jacks may not have a high enough lift to get 
under something with a flat tyre, as well as lift it high enough to get the 
wheel off and another on - BT, DT!  I was pondering using the spare as a 
temporary support while I lowered the jack and used it in another position 
to get more lift when another MGB happened to go past the end of the road 
and we used his jack instead.  I now carry a small hydraulic 'bottle' jack 
as well as the scissors.


----- Original Message ----- 
> For a small car like an LBC a diamond jack is the cat's meow for light 
> weight carry in the boot convenience, and cheap too.  Some people call it 
> a scissors jack, but no scissors links, simpler and lighter.  It also 
> closes very low to get under a car with a flat tire. 

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