[Mgs] MGA owners?

David Breneman david_breneman at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 19 12:52:03 MST 2010

--- On Tue, 1/19/10, wspohn4 at aol.com <wspohn4 at aol.com> wrote:

> I suspect that car came from
> Vancouver - I know the guy that removed the  
> suspension from a Twin Cam - and the guy that now owns the
> Twin Cam and would 
>  love to get the suspension back. 

Jeez Louise!  Why would anybody do that?!?  The value
lost to the Twin Cam would more than offset the value
gained to the counterfeit Deluxe.  Call me an Evil
Purist, but I'm starting to wonder if there are any
original MGAs left.

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