[Mgs] MGB Roadster fenders 74-80 rubber bumoer cars

John Cahoon j_cahoon at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 27 15:44:01 MST 2010


RE:  MGB Roadster fenders 1974(1/2) to 1980 rubber bumoer cars

I have acquired several pairs of NOS Tanger [NOT HERITAGE] steel fenders [part 
number 1348 & 1349]. I estimate that they are at least 20 years old. They have 
been in a relatively dry storage area and are rust free to tracr surface rust. 
These are to be listed with EBAY and perhaps Amazon BUT I wanted to give any 
subscribers first pick. These were described to me as "being a poor fit and 
requiring time to refit correctly'. That being said MOSS is $800 each and VB is 
$600 each. List member may have them for $222 each plus shipping [Greyhound 
recommended as this is very low cost].

Please respond directly to j_cahoon at yahoo.com if interested.

I apologize if I am breaking any rules here.

John Cahoon
Cleveland, Ohio
440 257-3847

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