[Mgs] Repair or replace Radiator?

Simon Matthews simon.d.matthews at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 14:31:24 MDT 2010

I have done both. Fairly shortly after I bought my MGA, the radiator
started leaking. I took it to a shop, paid to have it fixed, saved a
lot over the cost of a new radiator. But ......

Then it started leaking again, so I bought a new one. The new radiator
has been on the car for a long time now. Had I continued to have the
radiator repaired again, I think I would have ended up paying more on
repairs over the expected life of my new radiator.


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Vance Navarrette
<v.navarrette at comcast.net> wrote:
>        Pull the radiator and take it to a radiator shop.
>        They will flush it, patch it and paint it for about half the
> cost of new in my experience.
>        You save the cost of pulling and reinstalling the radiator which
> makes it a reasonable deal, AND you get to keep the original radiator
> that came with the car.
>        Vance

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