[Mgs] Their back!!

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 13 02:05:43 MDT 2010

Morse was an arrogant miserable misogynist.  'Oxford' spelling can be 
recognised by its (or is that it's ...) ize spellings although ise has been 
standard English English for decades.  However the Times only changed in 
1990 (to the tine of 'the Times, they are a-changing'?).  The American use 
of ize is, like 'fall' for Autumn, older English fallen into disuse here but 
not there.


----- Original Message ----- 
> The use of -ise is actually relatively recent in English usage. I have
> a Compact  Oxford English dictionary that I bought in 1975 -- it shows
> words spelled using  -ize as preferable to words spelled -ise.
> More recently, there was an episode of Inspector Morse (the original
> series with  John Thaw), in which he identified an educated writer
> through the use of -ize spellings.

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