[Mgs] List Down?

Charles & Peggy Robinson ccrobins at ktc.com
Wed Jan 7 23:52:26 MST 2009

When I visited my Mom and Late Stepfather in So. Hadley, MA; Worcester 
was Wooster.  I found that in my MA travels, knocking off the  middle 
syllables, (when in doubt) worked for me.  Traveled around the Cape in 
my MGB and did OK.


saidel at camden.rutgers.edu wrote:
> Sorry I missed the beginning of this thread.  In Boston,
> Dorchester is pronounce 'Dor-Chest-er' but Worcester 'Wister'.  I
> lived in the Boston area for 30 years and never understood it. Another
> 30 years later and I still don't understand it.
> Bill Saidel

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