[Mgs] OT : Tesla - in the flesh!!
Paul Root
ptrmgb at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 12:35:06 MST 2009
There is no one answer. There isn't one thing that will replace the
internal combustion engine.
If everyone had a plug-in hybrid, the electrical grid would collapse.
I would really like a Prius, new Insight, or Chevy Volt. Or at least I
think I would. But it's from
an economic standpoint. Less money out of my wallet for
transportation. Not because the vehicle is "green".
The batteries in the current Prius blow that.
Unfortunately, my commute to work is only one part of what I need to
do with a vehicle. And other things
probably would preclude me from getting something like this.
As I've said before, my car wants are simple. I want something the
size of a new Mini, handles like the Mini, gets gas milage like a
Prius (in perfect conditions), that seats 8 people my size (6'2" north
of 220lbs), top needs to go down, and will haul/tow 5000lbs.
Is that too much to ask?
On Feb 27, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Simon Matthews wrote:
> I don't even think the problem is energy addiction -- it's addiction
> to limited sources of energy (oil, gas and coal).
> Once you have an infrastructure for electric cars, then you can easily
> substitute the energy source -- for example nuclear fusion (which has
> been 20 years away for the last 20 years as far as I can tell).
> That however, doesn't address the energy required to mine and
> transport all the lithium. Personally, I think that plug-in hybrids
> are the way to go.
> Simon
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Rick Lindsay <rolindsay at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
>> Interesting perspective. The problem we face - independent of
>> whether we
> call it 'climate change' or 'dependence on foreign oil' - is not
> petroleum
> addiction, it's ENERGY ADDICTION. And until we ratchet down our
> demand for
> energy, nothing much is going to change - well, not until it runs
> out. The
> next problem is even more frightening. Its just this; Everyone in
> the U.S.
> could drive a Prius and oil consumption would still increase. We
> can't nor do
> we have the right, to tell China and India that they don't have the
> right to
> grow.
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