Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Fri Nov 28 17:23:26 MST 2008

At 09:48 AM 11/27/2008 -0500, Tom Gunderson wrote:
>I have a 1957 MGA rst, 1500. I am going to replace my temp/oil 
>guage. Should I get one from Moss or a refirbished one on ebay. I 
>also need a gasket kit. I am also replacing the head. ....

I believe the Moss part is "replacement type" with a different model 
number on the face, otherwise would work okay.  Used original ones in 
working condition seem to be a bit pricy, but should still be less 
than the new one.  Cores with temperature gauge not working are 
pretty cheap, but getting one repaired casts almost the same as the 
new replacement type unit.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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