[Mgs] MGA fuses

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Mon Jun 16 23:11:16 MDT 2008

At 09:00 PM 6/16/2008 -0400, Tom Gunderson wrote:
>What fuses should I be using in my 1957 ,1500 ,rst? Who is a good source for
>the correct fuses?

See here: http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/electric/et102.htm
Top fuse feeding the green wires should be the 35/17 fuse.
Bottom fuse for the horn only should be the 50/25 fuse.

As far as I know, there is no current source for the "correct" Lucas 
slow blow fuses.  A reasonable substitute for the 35/17 would be a 
standard 20 amp fuse.    A reasonable substitute for the 50/25 would 
be a standard 30 amp fuse.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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