Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Tue Jun 3 11:24:51 MDT 2008

  First thing to check is that the electricity stops flowing when the
switch is turned off.   I would disconnect a battery cable, then use a
voltmeter between cable and battery terminal to see if there is any
current.  Should be 00 unless you have installed something like a clock
that is always on.  Any voltmeter/multimeter would do for a quick check
of this, then you can go circuit by circuit to chase down any problem. 

On Tue,  3 Jun 2008 13:16:46 -0400 (EDT) <thgun at comporium.net> writes:
> I have a 1957 MGA 1500 with generator and pos ground.
> My battery has been loosing voltage. Do I need to install a volt 
> meter to keep tabs on this? If so what would be the best thing to 
> do. I still need to see if something in the car is pulling the 
> voltage down. Where can I find a vintage volt meter?
> Thanks, Tom Gunderson
> 57 MGA 
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