[Mgs] Unsteady timing

Charles & Peggy Robinson ccrobins at ktc.com
Tue Jul 8 21:24:23 MDT 2008

Whether the timing is jumping around or not it seems obvious that you 
need to advance the timing to near the spec.  Don't worry about the diff 
between 600 and 800 rpm.  The main need is to get the spark timing near 
where it needs to be.

   It sounds like there's too much slop in the dizzy advance mechanism 
presuming the engine RPM is steady at idle.  Call Moss.


Ron Fine wrote:
> Paul,  The timing chain and gears are new as well as the timing chain 
> tensioner.  I tried turning the rotor anti-clockwise.  There is a small 
> degree of slop before the spring pressure is felt and when  the rotor is 
> released it does not return completely to the clockwise stop.  The rotor 
> will move a few degrees counter-clockwise before the spring pressure is 
> felt.  There is no sideways movement.   Does that sound correct or is there 
> too much play in the rotation?
> Ron Fine

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