[Mgs] Goleta Fire and Moss Motors

Aeseeyou at aol.com Aeseeyou at aol.com
Sun Jul 6 11:21:47 MDT 2008

Actually Kelvin lives in or close to the Los Padres National Forest near  
Ojai, Ca. I don't know what his route to work is but I do know that he drives  
approx. 45 miles each way from home to Goleta. As far as I know he's fine. And  
other than Ron's confusion as to Kelvin's home location all the other  details 
are pretty "Spot on"  
There's another key MG person who actually lives near the Moss  facilities or 
used the last I heard is Ken Smith who used to be Moss Motors  Ambassador of 
Good-Will and PR. He's now Co-Editor of Classic MG  Magazine.
Although hopefully he's in England at present and out of the terrible  smoke 
and haze of the fire as he has had some health issues and this fire  wouldn't 
be the best thing for him. In the last email I got from him he  indicated that 
he and his wife were going to visit the grand kids and while  there look into 
the situation at Abingdon and Longbridge regarding the state or  reality of 
the Nanjing (Chinese MG's) deal.
Albert Escalante CCBCC/West Coast/USA

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