[Mgs] seat removal question

Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Thu Feb 28 07:25:40 MST 2008

  It's just the four bolts that hold the track to the floor.   They
fasten into captive or welded nuts.  If you have time, give these bolts a
dose of penetrant oil as they are prone to rusting and breaking free the
captive nuts.
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:07:45 -0500 "Dave Willner" <dwillner at ptd.net>
> I want to remove the seats this weekend to polish the tracks and to 
> touch up
> the fames, both starting to look their age a little.  Manual says 
> push seat
> forward, remove two bolts, push seat back, remove two bolts....is 
> this it, 4
> bolts?  I assume the tracks are bolted to the seats in the middle 
> somewhere as
> well?  Thanks
> Dave Willner
> Stroudsburg, PA
> 59 TR3A Apple Green
> 70 MGB BRG
> 70 BSA 441 Victor Special

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