[Mgs] Beijing Motor Show | Auto Express News | News | Auto Express

Paul Root ptrmgb at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 06:50:11 MDT 2008

Maybe I took a leap from talks to purchase of NAC by SAIC.

Not that I could afford it, at least until the 11 year old is off to/ 
out of college, but I'd love to get
my hands on a TF coupe.  Especially, if it was built in Oklahoma.

On Apr 24, 2008, at 7:45 AM, Richard Gosling wrote:

> Oooh - that's news.  I didn't know SAIC had bought NAC.  I remember  
> at one stage they were discussing co-operating - which made sense  
> since they were both building near-identical versions of the Rover  
> 75 / MG ZT.
> I still take any news of mass production resuming at Longbridge with  
> a pinch of salt.  As close as they get to resuming production of the  
> MG ZF, I won't believe it until I see one, for sale, in a showroom.
> Richard
> On 4/24/08, Paul Root <ptrmgb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone clear up what happened here? As I understand it:
> 1. BMW sold MG/Rover to guys in England.
> 2. They failed, after taking a lot of government money
> 3. There was a bidding war between SAIC and NAC. Both actually owned
> by the  Chinese government.
> 4. SAIC buys rights to the some of the cars. NAC buys MG and rights to
> the TF and ZT. BMW says
> it still owns the name Rover, to protect Land Rover
> 5. Some moron in Oklahoma announces that he's opening a plant to build
> MGs after one or two conversations with NAC.
> 6. Lots of time tables slip
> 7. MG 7 is introduced. Some Roewe models are released. Both for
> Chinese consumption but intended for the world.
> 8. NAC is running out of money. SAIC buys NAC.
> Anything else? Anything wrong?
> <http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/news/autoexpressnews/220614/beijing_motor_show.html
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