[Mgs] MG sighting - the octagon

Councill, David dcouncill at msubillings.edu
Wed Apr 2 17:16:09 MST 2008

I took my 67BGT out for a spin today, the first time in well over a
month. It was a bit cold outside (about -5 C) but it started right up
and ran well. But thats not why I am writing. One of the reasons my car
has been parked was because I was off on a trip to eastern Europe for
two weeks and I just got back last week.

Anyway, I was wandering about the streets of Belgrade when I came upon
the familiar sign of the octagon (a much more pleasant sign than the
ever present golden arches I might add). I took some pictures which I
thought might be of interest:



It was a Sunday so the store associated with the sign was closed. But
other than the sign, I did not see anything anyway related to MG. The
window had a lot of young children's toys displayed. In fact, I did not
see any MGs or any other British cars during my eastern European
travels, except for a couple of Defenders (Land Rovers). I saw only one
chrome bumper car, a 60s Volvo, in Budapest. Otherwise, people over
there pretty much drove the same modern plasticky cars I see everywhere
else, well except the makes and models were a bit different than what I
see in the USA even though they all look almost alike to me anymore and
they tended to be more subcompact models.

David Councill
67 BGT
72 B
2001 Land Rover Discovery II
1974 Toyota Landcruiser

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