[Mgs] MGB O/D Driveshafts

Paul Osborne paul at ece.rochester.edu
Tue Sep 25 08:19:44 MDT 2007

Hi Paul,, your second line is interesting, that would lead you to say 
that then the dimensions given for sizes don't mean anything since we 
can not figure out which one goes where.??


>From the back face of the gearbox/OD flange to the front face of the 
>axle flange.  The propshaft itself has a sliding joint at the front 
>so will expand and contract between two extremes, and whilst *any* 
>of the prop-shafts may be able to expand or contract to fit between 
>any of the combinations of the flanges, with an incorrect prop-shaft 
>there may not be enough compression space left on the one hand, or 
>enough expansion space on the other.
>If you have a prop-shaft and don't know which one it is, then 
>personally I don't know how to tell them apart, unless I had all 
>three on the ground and compared their lengths fully compressed.
>Which now makes me wonder if the dimensions quoted *are* quoted for 
>fully compressed prop-shafts and therefore easy to determine ... 
>I'll be interested to hear.
>I have a spare V8 prop-shaft but unfortunately because there was 
>only ever one (which was different to all the 4-cylinder 
>prop-shafts) the Parts catalogue doesn't give a dimension for that 
>like it does for the others, so I can't check it!
>----- Original Message -----
>>Thanks to all for the info, but, from where to where is the 
>>measurement taken?

Paul Osborne
University of Rochester
Engineering & Technical Services
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
201 Hopeman Bldg River Campus
Rochester, New York 14627
paul at ece.rochester.edu

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