[Mgs] declining dollar

David Breneman david_breneman at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 21 12:05:18 MDT 2007

--- DON SCOTT <rowdon at sonoma-county.org> wrote:

> I think we as Americans may see more and more of our treasures
> plucked
> away by foreigners.  At least we were able to buy cheap shirts from
> Taiwan and bargain plumbing fixtures from China for several years
> while our industrial base was dismantled.  
> Anybody have any comments on this subject?

That assumes that the value of the car is fixed in relationship
to the value of the dollar, a faulty assumption.  Try asking this
question: Will a declining dollar mean that foreigners will come
in and pluck away our gold bullion?  No, because the value of
all currencies floats in relation to the gold, the MG, or any
other physical asset.  What it does mean, in the long run, is
that we're in for a spell of inflation as employees begin to
demand cost of living adjustments (remember those?) to their
salaries as the price of everything begins to inch up.

This was a very foolish move on the part of the FED, and it
really makes me question whether Ben Bernanke is insulating
himself enough from political pressures.  The rate decrease
was obviously an attempt to ensure a softer landing for all
the idiots that bought houses they couldn't afford with
interest-only or variable-rate loans, and that is behavior
the market should *punish* not reward.  If you speculate
in real estate, or any commodity, you should do it at your
own risk.  So now all of us are going to get to bail
those bozos out through the diminished buying power of our

David Breneman         david_breneman at yahoo.com

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